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On the main page, there are 3 layouts namely: My Stash, Scan QR, Account.
My Stash is a dashboard that contains all QR code (or Storage Containers).

Scan QR code camera (in red) is to launch the mobile device camera to read QR codes.

Let's scan a label

Step 1:

Click on middle camera icon to open mobile device camera.

Please provide full access to the camera function. The camera function is required to scan the QR code. Click “Allow” to continue.

Step 2:

Position the camera with the QR Code label. The intelligent system will automatically read the QR Code and display a unique reference code.

Enter some information

Step 1:

Enter storage container information such as the category, description, and location of the storage box. And click on save (top right button).

Step 2:

Click on Add Item (bottom right button) to add items in the storage container. You can add as many items as you want to.

Provide information such as the name, quantity and photos of the items.

Add / Remove items in storage containers

Add item(s):

Any additional items can be added in the containers on demand. You do not need to enter all the items in one go. With stick scan store labels, we provide you with the flexibility to add/remove items when needed.

To add item, simply click on “Add Items”

Remove item(s):

To remove item, find the storage box container and select the item to remove. Swipe left to delete individual items. Click on the confirmation to “Delete”.

Please note that deletion is a permanent action and is not recoverable. Proceed with caution.

Locate my item

Method 1:

The easiest way to find an item is to use the search function located on top of “My Stash” page.

The system will auto filter the item to show the exact item, location and most importantly the reference number. Using the reference number you can easily locate the physical storage container.

Imagine having 30-40 containers and having to scan 1 by 1. With the search and resulting reference number, one can easily find the item he’s looking for.

Method 2:

Another quick way to find the content of a storage box is to scan the QR code.

Launch the camera and point at the QR code. The system will automatically display the contents of the storage box.